Create and share amazing mind maps. Capture ideas at the speed of thought – using a mind map maker designed to help you focus on your ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping. Create unlimited mind maps for free, and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device. Our online mapping software was designed to create maps quickly and easily from excel and spreadsheet data. Maps are hosted online in the cloud. Maps can be customized with styles, pins, pin labels, filters, heat map layer, and many more options.
I am making the MapForge software publicly available so that you can download the software and try it out for yourself, in order to evaluate it. Before purchasing a license or any content Add-Ons, take the program for a spin to see if it is what you want/expect it to be.
Note that some features such as the draw/paint tools are not expected until MapForge v1.2. All MapForge v1.x releases will be free updates for both licensed and unlicensed users.
Official Release:
Click here to download MapForge v1.1.9 for Windows (Zip, 716 MB)
Click here to download MapForge v1.1.9 for Windows (Installer, 432 MB)
Click here to download MapForge v1.1.9 for Mac OS X (DMG, 723 MB)
Beta Releases:
None available at this time. MapForge v1.2.x betas are expected to be released in Q1 2021.
Click here to download a patch that should be applied to MapForge v1.1.9 if you installed v1.1.9 when it was in beta; this patch turns the beta into the official release (Zip, 15 MB)
Note: If you haven’t yet been acquainted with the Build Tool and the use of Textures, I strongly suggest you watch the video posted in this Kickstarter Update.
Fantasy Map Creator Software
IMPORTANT! If you are new to MapForge, be sure to read the “Technical Tips” section below. The suggestions there will help you avoid most common problems.
The software comes with two free content Add-Ons included (pre-installed), so that newcomers have some assets to play around with immediately. But there’s much more free content available, so be sure to download the free Add-Ons you want from the MapForge Store.
If you had already downloaded and installed Add-Ons into a previous release of MapForge, just drag over the Add-On files to your new installation’s “Add-Ons” folder. Don’t forget that one of the Add-Ons had to be re-released, so make sure you have the updated version.
Technical Tips
All users: If you see a message asking that you please install ShockWave, don’t. Shockwave is not required. Most likely, you have not heeded one or more of the instructions provided below. MapForge is entirely self-contained, meaning you don’t need to install any additional software or frameworks. If you see a message to that effect, ignore it; the problem lies elsewhere (contact me for troubleshooting assistance once you’ve tried all the suggestions below).
Windows users: If you opted for the Zip version, it’s recommended that you unzip the downloaded file using the built-in Windows unzipping utility, rather than a third-party tool, and to not attempt to launch MapForge from within the uncompressed Zip file. Don’t install MapForge in your Programs directory, as the app needs to write files to disk and Windows doesn’t like that happening in the Programs folder. If you want to launch MapForge from your desktop, don’t simply move the executable there. The executable needs to reside in the same folder it comes in, so that it can access the Support Files, Xtras, etc. Instead, drag an Alias/shortcut of the MapForge app to your desktop. Select “Properties” on the “MapForge.exe” file and set the program to always run as an administrator. If you use Windows Defender or the like, be sure to allow MapForge access to the internet, particularly if the app appears to lock up during launch. If MapForge won’t launch on your PC without locking up or quitting, see the section called “Windows-specific Incompatibility Discovered” in this Kickstarter Update.
64-bit Windows users: MapForge is a 32-bit app, so users with a Windows 64-bit OS are advised to set the 32-bit compatibility mode (instructions for that can be found here). Win 8 or Win XP SP3 mode are recommended, and Vista mode should never be used (it will ask for Shockwave). Select a mode that allows the drag-and-drop feature to work properly. Only after settling on a compatibility mode should you request your license and Add-On registration codes, because changing modes will invalidate prior codes (because your Challenge Code will change). When updating to a newer version of MapForge, be sure to continue using the same compatibility mode as before, otherwise your Challenge Code will change, rendering your license inactive and your paid Add-Ons will no longer be registered.
Mac OS Sierra or High Sierra users: Depending on your computer’s security settings, it’s possible that Mac OS’s Gatekeeper feature will not allow the program to launch unless you first follow the “special measures” mentioned here (if you launch MapForge and it immediately starts asking you for files it can’t locate, it’s a sign that you may not have properly followed those one-time instructions.). In “System Preferences > Security & Privacy”, you should set it to “Allow software from identified developers”. As of v1.0.3, MapForge should run fine for High Sierra users (prior releases of MapForge tended to crash under High Sierra shortly after launching it). The DMG file is code-signed.
I advise everyone to read the included “ReadMe” document, since by doing so you’ll discover lots of stuff you can do that you wouldn’t otherwise know about.
Important Tip: Some users have reported errors or even crashes during launch when too many Add-Ons are loaded/active at once. Simply disabling some Add-Ons should help prevent out-of-memory errors. You deactivate an Add-On by moving it to the “Disabled Add-Ons” folder prior to launching MapForge. See the last part of this Kickstarter Update for more information.
Feedback Requested
Please provide feedback to let me know what you like, what you don’t, to suggest improvements, report bugs or to request features. Email me at support (at)
What’s Next
The next major MapForge release (v1.2) will enable the drawing tools, which will allow you dynamically create shapes that can be assigned colors and/or textures. The goal is to make MapForge a much more full-featured mapping app that isn’t limited to stamping pre-made content.
You are a student or a professional who would like to create your own map or use other maps to put more useful information. This helps in scheduling applications like milk delivery to various locations within the city. We need to use a map making software for creating proper maps based on the audience. We will now look at the best map making software to help you make a decision to which software to use.
Map Maker 4
Map Maker 4 is a true map making software right from the scratch. It has the right tools for users to create the map. You can buy or scan maps into the software for further processing. In Map Maker, the map is made of a number of layers. You can have different files to act as a layer together.
StarPlanet is an interactive data visualization and mapping software. You can use it easily and rapidly create Flash maps. It is a free software which can be hosted on your website. It is a lightweight and lightning fast application. You have plenty of features in the map option of the software.
Scribble Maps
It is the easiest way to draw the map and share it with friends and family. You have a free service to create your own map. You can add custom images and overlays to the map or can place text and markers on the map. You can show shapes and great circle lines. You can export the map to various formats.
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Map Making Software for Other Platforms
Typically a computer user uses Windows, Linux and the Mac for his needs. We will evaluate map making software on a different platform so that you can use the software which runs on your platform. This will make it very comfortable to draw the map easily.
Map Marker for Android
The software runs on Android-based devices. It makes use of Google maps or other maps. You can use the offline maps. You can create markers on the map and organize in multiple markers. You can display and mark the GPS coordinates within a single click. You can mark your favorite place with a star symbol.
iMapBuilder for Windows
iMap Builder is a visually interactive map maker software. You can easily create labeled maps. You can create the political World Map and display all the states in North America. There are ready-made templates to create regional and local maps. You can embed a map page and send it as a link to the recipient.
Ortelius for Mac
The software is a creative map-making process that is designed and runs on the Mac platform. It is made for making maps with the help of smart cartography tools. You can create custom map graphics from town maps. There are over 1700 vector map styles which can be used to add value to your maps.

Most Popular Map Maker Software – Easy Map Making Software
The software is used to create custom maps for your sales reports or presentations. There are hundred of templates which can be used to create your map. You get a lot of maps like most of the countries and regions. There are 35000 Map objects available for use. You can add color to the map components with a single click.
How To Install Map Making Software?
Map Making Software needs to be downloaded from the publisher’s website. Once downloaded you need to go through the install guide to get the necessary pre-requisites in place. Once the software is downloaded run the setup or install program. The program will ask a set of questions which need to be answered to complete the extraction of files and configuration of the software. Launch the icon to see whether it is working fine.
As a user, you would be interested in creating maps for a variety of reasons. You need to use a good map making software for the same. We have reviewed the best map making software available. Based on your needs and your comfortability you can choose the map making software.
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