In Mac the menu click on Devices CD/DVD Connect image. In the Open window navigate to Applications Parallels Desktop Contents Resources Inside the Resources folder, go to the Tools folder, and locate the file prl-tools-win.iso. Click on this file, then click the Open button.
This is the vmx file for the VM on which Crypt doesn't working.
- Parallels Toolbox for Mac & Windows Parallels ® Toolbox is our all-in-one solution with over 30 tools for macOS ® and Windows 10. With just one click, you can: Save Space on your Hard Drive; Create High-Quality Content; Quickly Optimize your Computer for a Presentation.
- By the way I can see the Parallels Tools ISO image file for Linux (prl-tools-lin.iso) sitting at Parallels DesktopDevicesCD/DVD1 but I don't know how to confirm that it is mounted to the Linux CD/DVD drive. I would appreciate any assistance but I warn you not to assume that I have much knowledge in any of this.
Crypt vmx file faulty
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.encoding = 'UTF-8' |
config.version = '8' |
virtualHW.version = '10' |
pciBridge0.present = 'TRUE' |
pciBridge4.present = 'TRUE' |
pciBridge4.virtualDev = 'pcieRootPort' |
pciBridge4.functions = '8' |
pciBridge5.present = 'TRUE' |
pciBridge5.virtualDev = 'pcieRootPort' |
pciBridge5.functions = '8' |
pciBridge6.present = 'TRUE' |
pciBridge6.virtualDev = 'pcieRootPort' |
pciBridge6.functions = '8' |
pciBridge7.present = 'TRUE' |
pciBridge7.virtualDev = 'pcieRootPort' |
pciBridge7.functions = '8' |
vmci0.present = 'TRUE' |
hpet0.present = 'TRUE' |
roamingVM.exitBehavior = 'go' |
mks.enable3d = 'FALSE' |
virtualHW.productCompatibility = 'hosted' |
tools.upgrade.policy = 'upgradeAtPowerCycle' |
tools.syncTime = 'TRUE' |
powerType.powerOff = 'soft' |
powerType.powerOn = 'soft' |
powerType.suspend = 'soft' |
powerType.reset = 'soft' |
gui.exitonCLIHLT = 'TRUE' |
scsi0.present = 'TRUE' |
proxyApps.publishToGuest = 'TRUE' |
displayName = 'munkitest1mav' |
nvram = 'Clone of munkitest1mav.nvram' |
memsize = '1812' |
guestOS = 'darwin10-64' |
sound.present = 'TRUE' |
sound.fileName = '-1' |
sound.autodetect = 'TRUE' |
sound.startConnected = 'TRUE' |
usb.present = 'TRUE' |
ehci.present = 'TRUE' |
usb.generic.autoconnect = 'TRUE' |
scsi0.virtualDev = 'lsilogic' |
scsi0:0.present = 'TRUE' |
scsi0:0.fileName = 'munkitest1mav-0-cl1.vmdk' |
scsi0:1.present = 'TRUE' |
scsi0:1.startConnected = 'FALSE' |
scsi0:1.deviceType = 'cdrom-image' |
scsi0:1.fileName = '/Applications/Parallels' |
ethernet0.present = 'TRUE' |
ethernet0.connectionType = 'bridged' |
ethernet0.startConnected = 'TRUE' |
ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = 'FALSE' |
ethernet0.linkStatePropagation.enable = 'TRUE' |
ethernet0.virtualDev = 'e1000e' |
smc.present = 'TRUE' |
ich7m.present = 'TRUE' |
keyboardAndMouseProfile = 'macProfile' |
usb.vbluetooth.startConnected = 'TRUE' |
firmware = 'efi' |
extendedConfigFile = 'Clone of munkitest1mav.vmxf' |
ethernet0.vnet = 'vmnet2' |
ethernet0.bsdName = 'en1' |
ethernet0.displayName = 'Wi-Fi' |
uuid.bios = '56 4d b4 19 8e 6d 76 bb-ae 1e c8 68 4b 25 5b bd' |
uuid.location = '56 4d b4 19 8e 6d 76 bb-ae 1e c8 68 4b 25 5b bd' |
replay.supported = 'FALSE' |
replay.filename = ' |
scsi0:0.redo = ' |
pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = '17' |
pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = '21' |
pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = '22' |
pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = '23' |
pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = '24' |
scsi0.pciSlotNumber = '16' |
usb.pciSlotNumber = '32' |
ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = '160' |
sound.pciSlotNumber = '33' |
ehci.pciSlotNumber = '34' |
vmci0.pciSlotNumber = '35' |
ethernet0.addressType = 'generated' |
ethernet0.generatedAddress = '00:0C:29:25:5B:BD' |
ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = '0' | = '1284750688' |
vmotion.checkpointFBSize = '67108864' |
cleanShutdown = 'TRUE' |
softPowerOff = 'TRUE' |
usb:1.speed = '2' |
usb:1.present = 'TRUE' |
usb:1.deviceType = 'hub' |
usb:1.port = '1' |
usb:1.parent = '-1' |
toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = '27' |
vc.uuid = ' |
policy.vm.mvmtid = ' |
checkpoint.vmState = ' |
vmx.buildType = 'release' |
hard-disk.hostBuffer = 'automatic' |
MemTrimRate = '0' |
sched.mem.pshare.enable = 'FALSE' |
prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = 'TRUE' |
RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled = 'FALSE' |
numvcpus = '1' |
usb:0.present = 'TRUE' |
usb:0.deviceType = 'hid' |
usb:0.port = '0' |
usb:0.parent = '-1' |
floppy0.present = 'FALSE' |
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