Cabal Server Files

RECRUITING ALL MERCENARIES. Announcement more December Events; Maintenance Notice - December 3rd Emergency Maintenance Notice - November 16th - OPEN; November Promotion; November Events! Haskell Language Server can display Haddock documentation on hover and completions if the project and its dependencies have been built with the -haddock GHC flag. For cabal: Add to your global config file (e.g. /.cabal/config): program-default-options ghc-options: -haddock Or, for a single project, run cabal configure -ghc-options=-haddock. Updated Cabal Server Files: If anyone have the updated server / client files of cabal, kindly please pm me, the higher ep the better, need it to make a local private cabal server. The pilot release of CABAL Extension Episode 2 has come to an end. We have decided to shut it down due to outdated file system (2008-09) that is easily bypass in today’s technology, its a decade old server without any optimization and improvements when it comes to security.

3.1.1. Overview¶

Cabal Ep8 Server Files+client+tools

The global configuration file for cabal-install is~/.cabal/config. If you do not have this file, cabal will createit for you on the first call to cabalupdate. Alternatively, you canexplicitly ask cabal to create it for you using

Cabal Private Server Files/Guides - Cabal Private Server - 177 Replies DO NOT PM ME - I WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY FURTHER HELP FROM THIS TUTORIAL. POST YOUR COMMENTS IN HERE AND USERS/MEMBERS WILL BE FREELY TO HELP YOU OUT. I was looking around for Cabal Private Server files and i came across with a website that provides you how to make.

Cabal Server Files

You can change the location of the global configuration file by specifyingeither --config-file=FILE on the command line or by setting theCABAL_CONFIG environment variable.

Most of the options in this configuration file are also available ascommand line arguments, and the corresponding documentation can be usedto lookup their meaning. The created configuration file only specifiesvalues for a handful of options. Most options are left at their defaultvalue, which it documents; for instance,

means that the configuration file currently does not specify a value forthe executable-stripping option (the line is commented out), andthat the default is True; if you wanted to disable stripping ofexecutables by default, you would change this line to

You can also use cabaluser-configupdate to migrate configurationfiles created by older versions of cabal.

3.1.2. Environment variables¶

Various environment variables affect cabal-install.


The variable to find global configuration file.


Default content directory for cabal-install files.Default value is getAppUserDataDirectory'cabal', which is$HOME/.cabal on unix systems and %APPDATA%cabal in Windows.


The CABAL_DIR might be dropped in the future, whencabal-install starts to use XDG Directory specification.


The override for default dist build directory.Note, the nix-style builds build directory (dist-newstyle)is not affected by this environment variable. Configuration file discovery¶

  1. If $CABAL_CONFIG is set use it,

  2. otherwise if $CABAL_DIR is set use $CABAL_DIR/config

  3. otherwise use getAppUserDirectory'cabal'

If the configuration file doesn’t exist cabal-installwill generate the default one, with directories based on$CABAL_DIR (if set) or getAppUserDirectory'cabal' prefix.

3.1.3. Repository specification¶

An important part of the configuration is the specification of therepository. When cabal creates a default config file, it configuresthe repository to be the central Hackage server:

Cabal Server Files

The name of the repository is given on the first line, and can beanything; packages downloaded from this repository will be cached under~/.cabal/packages/ (or whatever name you specify;you can change the prefix by changing the value ofremote-repo-cache). If you want, you can configure multiplerepositories, and cabal will combine them and be able to downloadpackages from any of them. Using secure repositories¶

For repositories that support the TUF security infrastructure (thisincludes Hackage), you can enable secure access to the repository byspecifying:

The <root-key-IDs> and <key-threshold> values are used forbootstrapping. As part of the TUF infrastructure the repository willcontain a file root.json (for instance, which the client needs to doverification. However, how can cabal verify the root.json fileitself? This is known as bootstrapping: if you specify a list of rootkey IDs and a corresponding threshold, cabal will verify that thedownloaded root.json file has been signed with at least<key-threshold> keys from your set of <root-key-IDs>.

You can, but are not recommended to, omit these two fields. In that casecabal will download the root.json field and use it withoutverification. Although this bootstrapping step is then unsafe, allsubsequent access is secure (provided that the downloaded root.jsonwas not tampered with). Of course, adding root-keys andkey-threshold to your repository specification only shifts theproblem, because now you somehow need to make sure that the key IDs youreceived were the right ones. How that is done is however outside thescope of cabal proper.

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More information about the security infrastructure can be found at Local no-index repositories¶

It’s possible to use a directory of .tar.gz package files as a local packagerepository.

cabal will construct the index automatically from thepackage-name-version.tar.gz files in the directory, and will use optionalcorresponding package-name-version.cabal files as new revisions.


For example, if /absolute/path/to/directory looks like

then cabal will create an index with two packages:

  • foo- using the source and .cabal file insidefoo-

  • bar- using the source inside bar- bar-

The index is cached inside the given directory. If the directory is notwritable, you can append #shared-cache fragment to the URI,then the cache will be stored inside the remote-repo-cache directory.The part of the path will be used to determine the cache key part.


cabal-install creates a .cache file, and will aggressively useits contents if it exists. Therefore if you change the contents ofthe directory, remember to wipe the cache too.


The URI scheme file: is interpreted as a remote repository,as described in the previous sections, thus requiring manual constructionof 01-index.tar file. Legacy repositories¶

Currently cabal supports single kind of “legacy” repositories.It is specified using

This is just syntactic sugar for

Cabal Online Private Server Files

although, in (and only in) the specific case of Hackage, the URL will be silentlytranslated to Secure local repositories¶

If you want to use repositories on your local file system, it isrecommended instead to use a secure local repository:

The layout of these secure local repos matches the layout of remoterepositories exactly; the hackage-repo-toolcan be used to create and manage such repositories.

To be written

Cabal server files 2019

Cabal 2 Server Files

3.2.1. Installing packages from Hackage¶

The cabal tool also can download, configure, build and install aHackage package and all of itsdependencies in a single step. To do this, run:

To browse the list of available packages, visit the Hackage web site.